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How tech talents, diversity, and upskilling can move you and your team forward

a guide by Dr. Ranja Reda Kouba

Do you know how many employees in Germany will need new skills for their jobs by 2030? 6.5 million. In addition, German companies will need 700,000 tech specialists by 2023.

This poses three big questions for executives and department heads: How do I recruit the few tech talents on the market who are open to a new job? How do I leverage my existing team effectively? How do we all work together in a way that keeps the company competitive? Dr. Ranja Reda Kouba explored these questions in the podcast with Jan Veira. Take action to ensure your team’s future viability with the following guide.

Who is Dr. Ranja Reda Kouba?

Ranja Reda Kouba Tech Talente
Dr. Ranja Reda Kouba

Recruiting of tech talents

There are several areas of work that require highly trained tech specialists. According to Dr. Kouba, these include DevOps, customer experience, cloud, automation, platforms and products, cybersecurity and data protection, and data management.

Recruiting can be difficult due to high demand. But with these tips from Dr. Ranja Reda Kouba, you can be successful in the process:

Tech talents like to talk to other tech talents: In recruiting, you have to be careful that they don't just talk to the traditional HR people but are really recruited by the "techies" in the company. And time is underestimated: top talents wait - surveys show - on average only one week for an acceptance or rejection.

Even though in the tech sector employers are fighting tooth and nail for employees, decision-makers should still think about the company’s long-term goals:

Re- and upskilling of existing employees

Not all newly created jobs can be covered by new employees. In addition, some employee activities are eliminated by automation. For companies, this is a great opportunity to retain internally trained employees through reskilling and upskilling, to drive innovation, and to save costs for new staff. Three insights from Dr. Ranja Reda Kouba and Jan Veira from the retraining processes they have accompanied:

Enhancing diversity in the team

Diversity is a big word that companies today like to use to present themselves as modern, attractive, and inclusive. But what is behind it and why is a diverse team important in connection with the shortage of skilled workers? Here’s what Dr. Kouba has to say about it:

3 tips from Dr. Ranja Reda Kouba

For executives who want to advance the company's innovative power



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